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Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-06-05
Age : 29

Absence Empty
PostSubject: Absence   Absence EmptyThu Jun 10, 2010 9:05 pm

I just wanted to take the time to apologize for not being on much yesterday or today, and I might not be as active for the next week. My grandma is in the hospital with blood clots from her lungs to her legs and she is 72 years old. We don't know how long she has, but she is doing much better. Although she is doing better, I still have been staying at the hospital with her, and at this time spendign time with my grandmother is more important than playing Modern Warfare 2. I will still be on during the day, but am not sure at what times. I appreciate the understanding, and I'm sorry if I have missed anything.
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Posts : 72
Join date : 2010-05-19
Age : 41
Location : Frederick County, MD

Absence Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absence   Absence EmptyThu Jun 10, 2010 9:44 pm

You are excused from any practices/scrims/games/meeting until you are in a comfortable spot with your family. This is a game we play in support of our troops and yes we love it. Family is much more important than any game, anywhere. My grandfather, Tony Pessamato, was a paratrooper in the 17th airborne. He had a condition similar to your grandma's. It wasnt until after he passed that I understood the significance of his contribution to this country. I wish everyday that I had just 24 more hours with him to ask questions that burn inside me still today... Spend every moment you can with your grandma. Please tell her that my thoughts and prayers are with her. I assure you no one in this clan will ever question your dedication because of your family commitments. The goes for you and everyother SOF member in our group. We are a family and we support you. If you need to talk to someone I'm here, as are your other Company and SOF members. Hell, if your close, I'll come out and cook you the best rib eye steak you ever had. We'll split some beers. Our thoughts are with you in your time off need.

*S* Hazard and welcome again

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Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-06-05
Age : 29

Absence Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absence   Absence EmptyThu Jun 10, 2010 10:59 pm

Thank you very much, Crackshot. I appreciate that, and I will be sure to tell her. I am sorry that you did not get the chance to ask your grandfather the questions you had before he passed. You have my condolences. I have just received word recently that she has a condition called Pulmonary Embolism, which is, in simple terms, the blood clots in the lungs. They are pumping a dissolver into her, in attempt to break free the blockage. I love my grandma to death, and she is very important to me. The doctor's have also said that there is a good chance that she will recover, due to the early detection. Luckily, my grandfather took action quickly and brought her to the hospital when she said she had pains in her side and chest. Thank you very much, Crackshot, and the rest of the =SOF= members for understanding, and yes, although I am new to this clan, I am very dedicated. I appreciate all of your thoughts, and should be able to resume playing often within the next few days. I will be doing community service for the next two weeks, but that should will only be from 9AM-12PM CST, which will leave me the rest of the day and afternoon to play. Once again, thank you.

Additionally, I want everyone to know how appreciative I am of the warm welcome I have received from everyone in =SOF=.

And to Crackshot, I look forward to playing with you in game again. *S*
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Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-06-05
Age : 29

Absence Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absence   Absence EmptySun Jun 13, 2010 5:49 pm

Well, I have great news. They cleared the blood clots, and she should be returning home tomorrow, June 14. The doctors up at the hospital said that any small jolt on the way up to our city from the country could have killed her, but we are all thankful that that did not occur. She is going to fully recover and she be returning to her home tomorrow. Thanks for all of the support, and I should be on more often again.
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